I'm too Blessed to be depressed, and too annointed to be disapointed

I'm too Blessed to be depressed, and too annointed to be disapointed

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sinuses and singers

It's fall and the weather is changing. Eighty degrees today 50 tommorow. Plays havoc on your sinuses, especially here in the mountains and valleys of SE Kentucky. Early winter and Spring are a singers nightmare. You never know from day to day if you are gonna be struck with sinuses and post nasal drip. Which by the way leads to sore throat, hoarsness, and stopped up ears. That's what I have. Stopped up ears, itchy throat, some sneezing which leads to the drip. No hoarseness or sore throat yet thank God. I am taking claritin and xst. Tylenol. drinking plenty fluids, and have been in bed now for over 24 hours. (this is why I am up at 11:50 pm doing a blog). Anyone have any of their own remedy's they use out there? Oh yeah, and hot TANG is good. Let me know, maybe there are other readers that could use your help too. Just post a comment.

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